
Complaints Policy and Procedure


Our Aim

At Prestige Midlands Ltd, we are dedicated to delivering quality service to our customers and partners, fostering trust and accountability across all interactions. To continue improving our services, we actively listen to feedback and respond positively to complaints, aiming to resolve issues swiftly and, whenever possible, correct any shortcomings.

We recognize two types of dissatisfaction:

  • Complaint: Dissatisfaction with the sales or description of a product.
  • Claim: Dissatisfaction with the product itself or its installation.

Our Commitment

We aim to:

  • Make filing a complaint or claim straightforward.
  • Treat complaints as an opportunity for improvement.
  • Address each issue promptly, courteously, and confidentially where applicable.
  • Respond appropriately with explanations, apologies, or corrective actions as needed.
  • Learn from all feedback to enhance our services and review our policy annually.

Informal Resolution

Many concerns are raised and resolved informally. Our aim here is to:

  • Address issues promptly and minimize escalation.
  • Facilitate mediation when appropriate. If an informal resolution is not possible, the formal complaints procedure should be followed.

Complaints and Claims Definition

A complaint or claim at Prestige Midlands Ltd is defined as any expression of dissatisfaction related to our company or team that requires a formal response.

Formal Complaints Procedure

This procedure ensures all complaints and claims are managed fairly, consistently, and to the complainant’s satisfaction where possible.

Prestige Midlands Ltd’s Responsibilities

  • Acknowledge the formal complaint in writing.
  • Provide a response within a set time frame.
  • Handle the complaint sensitively and reasonably.
  • Take appropriate action when necessary.

Complainant’s Responsibilities

  • Submit the complaint in writing within 8 weeks of the issue.
  • Raise concerns promptly and directly with a staff member.
  • Clearly explain the problem and any prior actions taken.
  • Allow reasonable time for resolution.
  • Recognize that some circumstances may be beyond our control.

Responsibility for Action: Directors of Prestige Midlands Ltd

Confidentiality: We strive to maintain confidentiality. If it’s not feasible due to the nature of the complaint, this will be communicated to the complainant.

Monitoring and Reporting: We produce an annual anonymized report of complaints and resolutions.

Formal Complaints Procedure

Stage 1 If informal resolution is unsuccessful, submit your complaint in writing (email or letter) to the staff member involved, or their manager. Include:

  • Details of the complaint.
  • Consequences you faced.
  • Desired remedy.

Response Timeline:

  • Acknowledgment: Within 5 working days.
  • Resolution: Within 28 working days.

Contact Information:

Final Stage: Financial Ombudsman Service

The Financial Ombudsman Service offers a free, independent service to resolve disputes. This option is available only if:

  1. Prestige Midlands Ltd has been given the opportunity to resolve the matter.
  2. Eight weeks have passed since the initial complaint.

Financial Ombudsman Service Contact:

By following this process, we ensure that complaints are addressed fairly, with the aim of enhancing service quality for all our stakeholders.